June 12 2019
Brand New MasterCraft Prostar delivered today. Thanks to out local dealer Offshore Marine

March 30 2019
Air Temp 67 Water Temp 48-
2019 Malibu ready for awesome season
JJ ready for the
105 Temp Hot Tub

Love is in the air at Twin Lakes Waterski Park. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs Keith and Danielle Corkery. Awesome picture by a very special couple.

November 2018
Town of Monroe presents sports complex award to Twin Lakes Waterski Park

Twin Lakes Skier of the Year Award goes to Jon Streeter. Congratulations and thank you for helping making this season the best ever.

October 14th – 2018
Twin Lakes Driver of the Year Award goes to Dan DeFabis. Thank you and congratulations for enjoyable and safe driving Dan- We all appreciate it.

September 17 2018.
Coach / Driver Pat coaching first time skiers one at a time….
Pat provides expert coaching for an enjoyable and safe ski ride.

What does it take to run 38 off the first time…..good skiing and a good driver….Areyh and Pat getting it done at Twin Lakes.

September 3rd 2018
Driver/ Coach Pat Regan is on site to drive dawn to dusk. Contact Pat 856-366-9397

August 18 2018
Wedding party departs Twin Lakes Jump dock for wedding at Adams Lake House.
76th GOODE Water Ski National Championships Aug. 7-11, 2018 Maize, Kan.
Good luck to all Eastern Region competitors. KSN NEWS
Check out Regionals 2018 article – Times Herald Record
Waterski Competitors to qualify for National Waterski Championships – competition returns to Monroe, New York
Waterskiers from all over the Northeast will compete at Twin Lakes Waterski Park, Monroe, NY, this week in the 2018 Eastern Region Waterski Championships. This three-day event being held Thursday, July 26, through Saturday, July 28, will feature competition in Slalom, Trick and Jump. Juniors will compete on Thursday, followed by waterskiers in division 1 through 8 on Friday and Saturday. Each afternoon will feature a run off of the top five competitors in a head to head challenge.
The winners in each division will qualify to compete in the 76th National Waterski Championships, sponsored by GOODE, on Aug 7-11 at Mystic Lakes in Kansas.
Twin Lakes Waterski Park, a premier waterski site close to New York City, first hosted the Eastern Regional Waterski Championships in 1997, and hosts competitions regularly.
Twin Lakes Waterski Park has been affiliated with the American Waterski Association since 1988. It is world record capable, has two lakes on a private waterski site, and provides optimum waterski conditions. Twin Lakes Waterski Park is popular with recreational waterskiers and entry level enthusiasts interested in developing their waterskiing skills.
The event admission is free – all are welcome.
July 8th 2018
Course Records Tumble at Twin Lakes at Regionals Tune Up.
A new Twin Lakes Waterski Park course record of 1.5 at 41 off was set by Greg Sund yesterday, the recent Big Dawg World tour winner at Sesena Waterski Complex in Sesena, Toledo, Spain where Sund defeated France’s Phillip Draux in the head-to-head finale.

July 8th 2018
Course Records Tumble at Twin Lakes at Regionals Tune Up.
A new Twin Lakes Waterski Park Jump Course Record of 200 ft was set by Quin Haines yesterday.
Previous record was long standing one set by John Swanson.

June 30 2018
Love is in the air at Twin Lakes Waterski Park. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs Ed and Laura Wiley. Awesome picture by a very special couple.

May 20 2018- Tommy Wiley – Twin Lakes Coach Driver is on site –
Application Forms Here
Gold Membership
Try Waterskiing
Contact: newyorkwaterski@gmail.com

April 14 2018.
Season underway – Boats launched, slalom course installed, and best of all the HOT TUB is up and running. Join us soon for 2018 season.